Perfecting your sites could be tough since you need to transform your backend code a lot so as to make your pages function better. Nevertheless, there are ways to improve your website’s functionality, without having to modify anything in the background. With the aid of the Website Accelerator Programs, built–into the Online Control Panel, you can make your websites stream and operate quicker than before. This won’t simply reward your end users (everyone loves the website they are visiting to open quickly), but may also help your site get better rankings in search engines.

Dealing with the Website Accelerator Programs is certainly hassle–free. Merely log into the Online Control Panel to see precisely how each website accelerator instrument operates.


RAM–memorizing as a substitute for data base queries

Should you have a lively database–powered web site or application, it may have issues loading quick for the customers because of the different calls sent to the database. To let you address the web page loading trouble, we’ve listed the Memcached system inside the Online Control Panel.

Memcached is a powerful distributed memory object caching system, which saves information and objects in the server’s RAM to avoid the data base from being queried each time a visitor opens a selected page. In this way, your website pages will start quicker for customers and will improve the possibility for them to come back.

Hepsia File Manager


RAM–storing in place of HTTP requests

Should you have content–intense dynamic web sites with many different pics and also clips, you’ll surely have to be sure that your web pages work fast for the website visitors. An outstanding instrument you need to use is the Varnish HTTP acceleration solution that will help you increase the speed of your websites without requesting you to possess any specialized technical competencies.

Varnish saves all requests to the server with the server RAM and delivers the pages quickly to the website visitor by making unnecessary fresh queries to the web server. That way, the pages on your website are going to be streamed 300 – 1000x times more speedily to your site visitors. Additionally, you can decide whether the inbound queries will be handled by Varnish, or by the server, etcetera.

Hepsia File Manager


A simple way to develop flexible web applications

Should you wish to construct a web application, it is advisable to have the tools you’ll need at hand immediately, without needing to browse, assemble and install them. The Online Control Panel can help you save equally well cash and time, by offering you the resources you will need right close to hand.

The Node.js software helps web developers, regardless of whether they’re pros or not, to generate flexible network applications and websites. It is based upon the Google V8 JavaScript engine and the libUV. Node.js works by using an event–driven, non–blocking I/O model that makes it light and productive, great for data–intensive real–time web apps running through distributed devices.

Hepsia File Manager