We’ve bundled a couple of Web Marketing Instruments within your Online Control Panel to help you easily advertise your web sites on the Internet. The sitemap generator will help you get a complete sitemap of your site. Moreover, you can easily publish that sitemap to the major search engines to index your web site. The RSS News syndication tool will help you make regularly refreshed content material on your home page so you’ll get much better possibilities to climb high in search engine results. Also, we have included a GeoIP re–direction instrument that will help you target your site visitors much more accurately according to their physical location.

A Sitemap Generator

Get a sitemap with all of your web pages a click of the mouse

The easiest method of getting your newly introduced web site indexed by the major search engines is to send a sitemap. The sitemap records all the webpages within your site and by submitting it to a search engine, you tell it that you like those pages to be listed without delay. Sitemaps are usually made by 3rd party tools. However, here, you will not need to navigate out of your Online Control Panel. Our inhouse made Sitemap Generator is included into the Advanced Tools area and is going to generate a sitemap for you with a click.

All that you should do is opt for the max number of webpages you’ll want to be listed, the depth of the listed hyperlinks as well as the extension of the sitemap file.

Sitemap Generator

GeoIP Redirection

Simple and easy location–based redirections

We provide a very simple tool, which will help you to narrow the customers of your site based on their area. For instance, utilizing the GeoIP redirection application, you can easily direct all of the visitors from Spain towards the Spanish version of your web site if you have such. This can help you target your users much more precisely and offer them with the on–site experience they expect.

No exclusive abilities or tech expertise are necessary to use the GeoIP re–direction instrument, and you will no longer need to use .htaccess files to complete the job.

GeoIP Redirect

RSS News

Showcase the most up–to–date news on your website

In the The Key to YOUR Web Page Online Control Panel, we have included an instrument, which enables you to embed information from the trusted information sites on the planet within your web sites, with just a mouse click. Our News tool operates on auto–pilot and will not demand any additional configuration work from you,

The RSS News module is simple to customize with regards to HTML and CSS. You’re able to customize the quantity of publication pieces that are going to be displayed, exactly how they will look like, exactly how they will be ordered, and so forth.

RSS News