PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor, popularly known as PHP, is a popular general-purpose scripting language, which can be used to develop dynamic sites with interactive elements such as Internet forums, online learning sites or community websites. In contrast to static HTML-based sites, a PHP website can display unique web content to each user under the exact same URL. As PHP-based apps can be managed via one Control Panel tool, which you can log into from any Internet browser, you will not need any coding abilities or past experience whatsoever to maintain a PHP-driven site. The fact that hundreds of millions of sites around the world are created using PHP is indicative of the popularity and the ease of use of the language. You only need to ensure that the web server on which your site is hosted supports the very same PHP version as the one that you used while building the website.

PHP 4, PHP 5, PHP 7 and PHP 8 Support in Shared Hosting

We have made a conscious decision not to prevent our current and potential customers from choosing what PHP version their websites will use, so in case you buy a shared hosting package from our company, you will be able to choose between versions 4, 5 and 7, not only for the web hosting account in general, but also for each single domain that you host. This can be accomplished with just one single click through our custom-built Hepsia Control Panel via which all shared hosting accounts are managed, which is the reason why you won’t need to have any technical or programming know-how. You’ll be able to host websites built with both new and old PHP scripts without having to deal with any difficulties, so if you’d like to abandon your present web hosting provider and switch over to us, you can rest assured that all the websites that you’ve developed throughout the years will continue to work faultlessly.